Wake Up And Enjoy A Cup Of Coffee With Fresh Animal Memes (July 5, 2023)

Gooood morning, friends! We hope that you’re having a fabulous week so far. We hope that you’re making the best out of it, that you’re enjoying it, and that – most impurrtantly – you’re not forgetting to give your pets smol kisses on their foreheads before you leave the house for work. We’re at the mid-point of the week, and we really want to kick this second half of the week off strong. That’s why we brought you guys a whole bunch of new animal memes to giggle at on this fine Wednesday morning.

Week by week, right at this mid-way point, we bring you a whole lotta new animal memes. Because we cannot think of a better way to start our morning than with a smile and a laugh. We wish you all an amazing rest of the week, full of hilarious animal memes, adorable animal friends, and very easy workdays. 

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