Weekly Treat of Funniest Parenting Memes for the Moms and Dads Who Need a Good Laugh Out Loud This Weekend (April 22, 2023)

Ohana means family and family means sending each other memes. Welcome back moms, dads, and parent guardians! We know it’s not easy raising tiny humans who have endless energy. It’s like some jumping beans grew legs and now you love them more than anything in the world but dang, R.I.P. your social life. You deserve a break, mama. Dad, you too. Society pressures you to do other productive things during your break—hobbies, chores, calling loved ones, and whatever else. But we know what you really want to do. You want to veg out on your couch and doom scroll mindlessly and escape reality just for a minute. Get a few good chuckles in there lol just loud enough that you remind yourself you’re a good time, but not so loud that you wake up the kids. You deserve it and we will not stand for you thinking you don’t. What would the world be without loving parents???

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