‘You invented hanging out and drinking?’: Couple is ruthlessly clowned for their special ‘bottle night’ tradition

A good hang sesh is an art form, but crafting the perfect hang is like a dance. You can plan all the intricate choreography you want and have all the intention in the world for a good time, but if the feeling isn’t there, it’s nothing. You can’t force a vibe sesh. It must come to you. But there are certain things you can put in place to ensure success: comfortable seating, flattering lighting, and good but low-key music. Then the conversation can flow and the vibes will vibe. 

I’m all for rituals. I think it’s important to develop little routines and special traditions with your loved ones. It helps give you a sense of meaning in this messy, crazy world. But there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Some things will be classics forever because they work. That’s why this couple became the object of the latest internet roasting. Sure, that’s a nice ritual. But don’t pretend like it’s special. 

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