15+ Entertaining IPA Memes for Specialist Beer Drinkers and Brewers

For years, beer was the alcohol of the people. It was basically what medieval children would drink, because the unsanitized water would give them cholera. Hundreds of years later, it was a treat for the working man boomer after a long, hard day at the blue collar job that bought him a house. A couple of decades after that, some other people bravely started to ask the question, what if we made this way more pretentious? Now, the average beer lover can’t go to many bars without being confronted with a selection of IPAs.

It can’t be denied that innovations in the IPA sector have produced some mighty annoying individuals, but they’ve also given us some great beverages. We can conclude that it all balances out in the end. Not only that, but these types of beers are such a hobby that there are memes made about them. That’s got to be a good sign. 

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