15+ Witty Introvert Memes for Awko-Taco Outsiders Who Always Leave the Party Early (May 20, 2023)

If you don’t hear from an introvert for 5-7 business weeks, odds are you simply caught them at a bad time in their cycle. It takes ages to recharge the social battery that gets used up in the course on one Friday night happy hour, so you probably just have a friend who’s social cycle simply doesn’t line up with your own. The last time you saw your introvert friend, it was 2016 and you were both at the punch bowl at a party. You exchanged pleasantries, things were chill, and then your introverted friend departed early with a classic Irish goodbye. Since then, you’ve both decide you’re going to be besties forever and each time you talk (every 5-7 business weeks) you solidify your friendship of communication without hanging out in person. Life is good. You’ve found the perfect introverted friend to match your own introverted lifestyle. No muss no fuss, no bottomless mimosa brunch. 

For more memes about socially awkward folks, check out this week’s batch of anxiety memes for the introverted crowd.

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