19 Celebrity Cats That Left Their Purrfect Paw Print In The Litter Box Of Internet History

Since the beginning of the internet, cats have been a focus of meme lovers and cat comedians (at least, they have been for us). Although many cats have had some time in the spotlight, the interwebz remembers a small, select few that left an everlasting paw print in the litter box of history. Today, we’re celebrating these fabulously famous felines and remembering them in all their internet glory.

From Grumpy Cat to Honey Bee, a blind cat that loves to hike, these kitties told us a tale of comedy, or overcoming obstacles, and we truly believe that we can learn something from each of them. Grumpy Cat taught us to not take life too seriously, where as Shiraneko (one of the happiest-looking cats we’ve ever had the pleasure of seeing), taught us to relax and enjoy the silly things, like laying in a pile of cabbage! Scroll down below to see all these famous felines below. Thank you for gracing the internet with your purrresence!

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