20+ Moon Memes That Appreciate the Lunar Phases

Happy full moon day! If you look up into the sky tonight, you’ll see our favorite floating nocturnal rock at its full power for the month. That’s a pretty special thing to witness every 28 days or so.

Our moon is an integral part of life on Earth. It separates night from day, creates the tides, and even helps to moderate the climate. Each of these things alone would be special, but altogether it’s truly awe-inspiring. 

As a result, it’s no wonder that so many people admire the closest object to us in the solar system and that meme makers so enjoy making funny pictures about it. We’ve collected a few of these below to peruse at your leisure. With all the things that it does for us, the moon is more than worthy of being the subject of creative and ridiculous internet humor that only reminds us how important it is.

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