20+ Posts About Rampant Consumerism That Can’t Be Good for the Planet

Hobbies are more important than they are sometimes given credit for. Taking up a sport in your spare time could be one the best things you ever do for your personal fitness, and you can really expand your practical skills if you choose to indulge in a craft. Heck, even collecting old stamps allows you to geek out on niche history knowledge and help preserve a piece of the past to boot.

While it is true that pastimes should be given the credit they deserve, they are not above criticism. One unfortunate downside of them these days is that an increasing amount of people choose to have hobbies that just involve spending a load of money on something pointless. If the Stanley Cup craze is teaching us anything, it’s that YouTube unboxing videos have had a horrible impact on society. Scroll on to see some examples of people who would be better off putting their hard-earned dollars towards deprogramming their need to overconsume.

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