20+ Redditors Reveal Everything That Is Guaranteed To Infuriate Them

The human condition is made up of many different memorable emotions. We’re never going to forget those precious moments where we feel pure happiness, or walk through the pain of a devastating heartbreak

However, these are not necessarily everyday feelings. In reality, the type of emotion that many of us tend to feel the most is annoyance. There are a whole variety of minor setbacks and aggravating irritations that everyone encounters on a regular basis. In fact, there are so many of these out there it’s a small wonder that more of us don’t have major anger issues.

All these minor, but extremely off putting instances have recently been highlighted by an AskReddit that asked people about the kind of things that are able to annoy them in an instant. From small inconveniences to all the rude things that others spend time doing, it would seem like there’s a lot of things out there designed to get on our nerves.


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