23 Memes For Anyone Missing Their Long Distance Lover Right Now

Being in a long-distance relationship isn’t easy for anyone. Anyone who says it’s easy probably isn’t being completely truthful because they’re trying to make light out of a very complicated and difficult situation. Although dating someone long-distance doesn’t necessarily have to be filled with complications and difficulties, the fact that you’re simply missing your loved one all the time can turn it into a serious challenge. Feeling jealous of couples who get to spend time with each other locally is totally normal. 

You should never feel guilty about random pings of envy that pop up in your mind when loved-up couples pass you by on the sidewalk or road. Regardless of how long it’ll be until you and your long-distance partner get to live in the same area together, it’s best to make the best out of any situation. These long-distance relationship memes will potentially help put a smile on your face.

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