23 Rabbit Memes Because 2023 is Still The Year of the Rabbit

Happy 2023 y’all! I know that we are more than halfway done with this year, but I thought it might be high time to reflect on it thus far. Pontification on the year that it is is not solely reserved for the New Years season. We should all be looking back at our BeReals from the past eight months and at least try to figure out how we can make the next four our best. The kids are going back to school, and autumn is just around the corner. New beginnings are coming, but we must reflect on how far we’ve come thus far too. 

2023 has been a bit of a confusing amalgamation for me. I’ve had hits, misses, and triumphs. I need to turn around the mediocre summer I’ve just had and embrace the best part of the year: when it gets cold outside again. If you are also on a journey of self-improvement and are trying to be happier, these rabbit memes will bring a smile to your face.

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