25+ Funny and Unhinged Reddit Posts That Deserve the Most Upvotes

Oh Reddit, the website that you are. Who knows what being online today would be like if we didn’t have the front page of the internet to turn to? 

In a world where artificial intelligence is constantly increasing its stranglehold and many platforms seem to spend most of their time trying to sell us things, Redditors bring a welcome reprieve. Their crazy stories and odd quirks are exactly the kind of thing many of us want to see when we’re trying to entertain ourselves on the World Wide Web.

This isn’t to say that Reddit does a perfect job all of the time. Still, it manages to be memorable whether serving us content good or bad. If that wasn’t the case, we wouldn’t be able to collect so many examples below. They are here to remind you that putting ‘Reddit’ at the end of every search term on Google reaps a multitude of rewards.

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