25 Midwest Memes for Nice Folks Who Say Ope (February 9, 2024)

In my part of the world, we’re squarely in the phase of Midwest seasons brilliantly dubbed by one of these memes as «Fool’s Spring.» Yeah, the sun might be shining and the sleet might have cleared, but it’s still February, guys. If my decades of Midwest winters have taught me anything, it’s to expect the unexpected. And if it’s too good to be true, it probably is. We Great Lakes neighbors know what real winter is, and we won’t be tricked into thinking we’ve had the easy way out. 

So that said, enjoy it while you can. Set up a game of bags with your buddies, pop a fresh can of Miller High Life, and let the good times roll before the snow comes back and we’re all forced inside to warm our bones with tater tot casserole. Now that I say it, that doesn’t sound that bad. But no matter the season, these Midwest memes just get ya, don’tcha know. 

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