25+ of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week (April 24, 2024)

Life isn’t just fun and games… unless it is. We have fun, and we have games. Games are fun. Did whoever coined that phrase know that? Sure, you can’t have fun and play games all day. Someone has to work, pay the bills, and feed the dog. 

But the crazy thing about the 21st century is that some people do that by playing video games. In a world of Twitch streamers and e-sports tournaments, for some people, video games are a legitimate job. Our mothers could have never anticipated that (nor do they probably understand it now). It’s like every little kid’s dream realized. To never have to hit pause on your game because you have to go to a little thing called school. Though I’m sure there are some drawbacks to that position (carpal tunnel perhaps?) What a world we live in. But even if you’re not a pro gamer, you can definitely enjoy these gaming memes. 

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