25+ of the Best Gaming Memes of the Week (February 7, 2024)

As Adele famously said, «Love is a game for fools to play.» But if that’s true, then what are the games that winners play? Halo? World of Warcraft? Mario Party? It’s funny how in most contexts outside of literal gaming «playing games» has a negative connotation. You don’t want a lover that «plays games» and you certainly don’t want to get «played.» But in my experience, playing games is pretty fun. That’s kind of the whole point of games– to entertain. 

I guess I see where the expression comes from. You don’t want to be an object lacking agency that gets used for someone else’s enjoyment. But I think it’s time we need new turns of phrase. Because games are a good time. And gamers don’t need any more negative energy coming their way. So let’s reclaim the phrase. I do want a lover who plays games. As long as we play together. 

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