25+ Relatable Memes For Anyone Who Needs to Take a Social Media Break

Everyone and anyone who’s on social media knows that it’s bad for their mental health. No therapist in history has ever suggested doom scrolling for hours as a way to soothe your soul. Of course, connecting with your family and friends is a huge perk (blah blah blah)…but constantly comparing yourself and having your eyes on a screen all day is a huge downside. But alas, how else are you going to know your high school bully got married to a short king? You can’t expect to go on with your life without knowing that piece of information. If I don’t know what my middle school history teacher had for breakfast, then what’s the point?

So if you’ve ever taken a 20 minute social media break (congrats), or you’ve had the mere thought of taking a break–then keep scrolling. But scroll on your laptop! Put your phone down! If you physically can.

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