25 Wholesome Animal Air Sploots For A Mood-Lifting In-Flight Entertainment To Hilarious Heaven

You’ve seen a normal sploot, but have you seen an air sploot before? These purrfect pets are taking their sploots to the sky, revealing their adorably pet-able bellies for us all to see (and hopefully scratch). Some are sporting some curled feetsies, and others are splayed open like a roast chicken, but either way, we can’t handle all of their cuteness. It’s so much cuteness that it practically counts as in-flight entertainment on our way to giggle town!

Whether they’re almost asleep or asking for belly rubs, we can’t resist these silly kitties and doggos. We wish we could make a big cuddle puddle with all of them together, and then we can all air sploot and forget all of our troubles. Just like a good, classic sploot, these powerful poses make our hearts sing and eyes tear up from cuteness, so scroll down below to soak up all that goodness for yourself!

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