28 Childhood Nostalgia Memes to Guzzle Straight Outta the Hose

Half days, no phones, drinking from the hose, and running home before the street lights came on– that’s what childhood was all about. We would play games outside with our friends, climb a tree, dig a hole, and put human clothes on the dog to stave away the boredom, but when Mom gave in and let us watch cartoons, oh the squeals of joy could be heard down the street. 

That’s how good they used to be.

For many of us, cartoons were a privilege to watch. Either we had to sneak a Nickelodeon sesh in before the parentals got home from work or we’d have to plead to flip in the Saturday morning specials. Regardless, cartoons still have a way of reaching our hearts and tickling our funny bones, even now. So for those of us feeling a little nostalgic and in need of a good chuckle, these memes are for you!

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