28 Memes for a Post Super Bowl Barrel of Laughs

With the Super Bowl behind us—a fantastic night regardless of who won or lost, may we add—we are prepared to tackle this week head-on and are putting forth our best effort! We have so much planned for the upcoming week that we aren’t even sure where to begin. To tell the truth, though, I need a good, hearty laugh before I start taking on all of the additional responsibilities that are gradually piling up. That’s why I’ve been searching far and wide for some of the funniest memes on the internet. Having said that, if, like me, you need a little additional push to start your week off right, don’t forget to check out the memes below! And don’t worry if, even after reading through all the hilarious memes, you’re still in need of some lighthearted entertainment—we’ve got a great story about a good-hearted man who gets called out by a stranger for giving some cash to a homeless man!

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