30 Festively Funny Friends Memes for Times You Really Are on a Break

This time between Christmas Eve and New Year’s is the perfect time to binge-watch your favorite TV show for the 100th time. With work being slower and everyone on holiday mode, you can get away with postponing tasks until after the new year. Plus, the weather is just right for a 12-hour binge in bed.

Last night my roommate and I invited some of our real-life friends for a marathon of Friends episodes. Each person who was invited had to bring food and drinks that were Friends-themed. Some of the best ones were – Rachel’s shepherd’s pie, Pheobe’s secret ingredient cookies, a cheesecake, Chandler’s grilled cheese, and of course – Central Perk coffee. The entire evening was spent watching the funniest Friends episodes, and it was honestly more fun than our actual Christmas celebrations.

Scroll down for some of the best memes and moments of Friends to get yourselves ready for your own binge. And when you are done, click here for some relatable ADHD memes to distract you from your responsibilities.

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