30 Flawless Dog Memes for Perfect Angel Pups (November 30, 2023)

This Thanksgiving I was blessed with the chance to hang out with my uncle’s dog. He’s a tiny, aging Maltipoo with severe separation anxiety and difficulty walking. So that meant when we humans went on a long holiday stroll through the neighborhood, my uncle strapped him to his chest in a papoose like a baby. He loved being along for the ride, smelling smells, and getting to look at everything from above. He’s in the lap of luxury, that one. 

Dogs and babies do share a lot of commonalities. They need a lot of attention, you have to infer their needs nonverbally, and you’re totally in charge of their wellbeing. They also make incredibly annoying noises when they’re agitated. But dogs have the added benefit of giving you endless affection, whereas babies kind of just sit there. Can you tell I’m a childless dog person? If you’re like me, you’ll enjoy these dog memes that celebrate the babies made of floof. 

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