30+ Memes for Adults Who Would Rather Embrace Their Inner Child Than Pay Bills

As we all probably know by now, adulting is no easy feat. From paying bills to sending emails to having to be polite when you see someone you know at the grocery store, I think we can agree that adulthood is not as exciting as we though it’d be. Once you hit 25, ice cream gives you a gnarly stomach ache and one drink will give you the biggest and worst hangover of your life. It’s much more fun to cradle your inner child and fall asleep at 9:00pm watching Friends reruns. In your 30s, sleeping is the new clubbing. Who has time to dance the night away, anyways? We have work in the morning!!

So if you’re tired of being tired, and need to take a mental health break, then these memes are for you! Keep scrolling to not feel so alone about being physically 30 but mentally in middle school.

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