30+ Memes For Your Hump Day Pleasure

Happy hump day, y’all. I used to think that the phrase «hump day» was created by Camel cigarettes as part of some stupid marketing campaign, but it turns out the phrase has been used since the 1950’s. It seems that despite what your Boomer family members might say, people have felt the burden of the 5-day workweek for a very, very long time. And they started using psychological tools like «hump day» to try to make themselves feel better about all the drudgery. 


Knowing you’re at – and joking about – the halfway point of the weekly grind may be helpful for some people, but personally, I find it more helpful to either a) complain about this hellish station or b) distract myself from it. And is there a better way to distract ourselves from the agony than memes? I think not. So here are a bunch of ‘em: relatable memes, stupid memes, memes that are clearly directed at men, and some that are a bit more for cat people. There’s something here for every distraction-seeker. Enjoy. 

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