30+ Memes Now That It’s Finally February

I don’t know about y’all, but I’ve had an extremely long January. I know it’s one of the many months of the year with 31 days and nights, but December of 2023 had the same number of days, and it went so much faster than the last 31 days. 

The bad thing about January is that there isn’t much to do. I got to catch up on Oscars movies under a blanket in my apartment and enjoy my MLK Jr Day off, but that’s about it. Thank god for RuPaul’s Drag Race viewing parties because, without those, I don’t know if I would’ve left my house on any Friday this month. I’m grateful that February and all of its unique holidays are upon us. At least we have a Leap Day to look forward to. If you’re counting down the days until spring, pass the time with these hilarious memes

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