30+ Relatable College Memes to Procrastinate Studying

College is the best four years of your life, they said. College will be the time of your life, they said. Well, they might’ve been wrong! Whether you went to college for 4 days or 4 years–or are currently a student–then you know that the struggle is real. From non-stop studying to eating pizza and wings for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, college is the time where your grades are low but your blood pressure is high. Of course, the parties, the lack of existential dread, and puppies on campus are a great distraction, but all in all–college is a dark landscape of Red Bull and pulling all nighters.

If finals week is the bane of your existence, then keep on scrolling. Laughing at these painfully accurate memes is the best way to take a break from studying and not think about dropping out for a few minutes! But seriously, don’t drop out……

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