30+ Wholesome Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (October 12, 2023)

Dogs. What would we do without them? Can you even imagine what the world would be like if dogs never existed? There would be far fewer people outside and many more pet owners staying indoors with their reclusive cats. The world would probably feel a lot more goth with morose cat people reigning supreme. Public parks would be completely overrun with squirrels, lazy teenagers would have no excuse for failing to complete their homework, and the truffle hunting industry would be in shambles. Yes, the world would be a darker and much less playful place without adorable dogs. 

In honor of precious puppers and good boys everywhere, we’ve put together this pawsitively delightful pack of dog memes to make you forget all about a hypothetical world without dogs. Even if you’re a cat person, pet-free person, or tarantula person—few can resist the fetching charm of adorable doggo memes. Plus, if you’re allergic to dogs but still love ‘em, these memes are 100% hypoallergenic. 

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