31 Introvirtuous Memes for Introverts Who Accidentally Find Themselves in Leadership Roles

Being outgoing comes naturally to some people. Folks who are blessed with innate cheerfulness, magnetic personalities, and a strong presence often find themselves stumbling into leadership roles at work, school, or in their family structure. But what happens when an introvert gets looped into a leadership role? 

Do introverts crumble under the pressure of every eyeball in the room staring at them, or do we introverted souls simply let our heartbeat spike and charge through our company-wide presentation anyways (sweaty palms n’ all)? Hilariously, introverts find themselves in the position of an outgoing person very often and usually people would never even know they’re antisocial. The reason? Introverts are pretty dang good at blending in and being stealthy. Unfortunately, stealth isn’t helping anyone with the leadership stress-sweating or the shakey leg syndrome associated with making multiple phone calls a day at your job. 

Hilariously enough, there’s a word to describe us introverted folks who fell into a leadership role… Introvirtuous. So we’re here to help with any and all of your needs, but as introverts, we’d really rather not. 

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