32 Funniest Animal Memes To Plow Through Caturday With A Wheelbarrow Full Of Hilarious Animal Antics

Ah, Saturday, or as cat-lovers love to call it, «Caturday«. But, here at Animal Comedy, we believe that Saturday should be shared by all of our hilarious animal friends, so we’re creating this list of funny animal memes to prove that sharing is caring, and we can laugh at cats and dogs, and anyone else who tickles our funny bones today! Yes, that’s right, we have multiple funny bones, it’s why we’re so, well, funny!

This post has its fair share of comical kitties, but it’s also full of dandy doggos making fun of some silly situations, proving that dopamine-producing dog memes also deserve their time to shine on Saturday. We’re all about laughing at everyone equally because both cats and dogs are super silly and worthy of memery and tomfoolery. So let’s share Caturday and maybe turn it into…Dogcaturday? Don’t quote us on that. We’re still workshopping the name.

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