32 Memes for Partying Hardy

In the words of a great band, «I want to rock and roll all night and party every day.» Or in the words of what my father misheard, «I want to rock and roll all night and partly every day.» A valid, if more moderate statement. You can’t rock and roll all day, that’s absurd

I love a good party, and I’m known to stay to the end. I like to see things through, and there’s usually something weird that happens as a reward. My favorite part of going out though might be the process of getting ready. I love picking out an outfit, blasting music, taking a hot shower, and setting my intentions for the evening. It’s sometimes almost better than the actual event. It’s all about anticipation. These memes are a party in and of themselves. They inspire joy, conversation, and a good time. Is that not what a party is about? 

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