32 Memes That Go for Broke

You know what they say, no risk, no reward. In other words, no pain, no gain. Perhaps risk it for the biscuit. Or the always relevant do it for the Vine (I ain’t gonna do it.) These are all timeless ways of saying, «If you want to get something out of it, you must put something into it.» I think it’s a truism that’s persisted throughout my life. It’s simple physics. You can’t create matter out of nothing at all. 

But there is such a thing as risk without reward. For example, if I decided to jet off to Atlantic City right now, drain my bank account, and put it all on red, I could. There’s very little stopping me from doing that. But it might end in ruin (and at the very worst, jail, and at the very best, moving back in with my parents.) So we decide what risks are worth it. These memes are worth whatever risk you run, which is nothing. 

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