34 Dog Memes for Good Boys and Those Who Love Them (November 16, 2023)

Having a dog is like having a kid who’s also your best friend who’s also a much better person than you, even though they’re not a person. Dogs have a generosity of spirit that’s hard to replicate as a flawed human. They have love to give to everyone, no matter who. Well, except for the Great Dane at the dog park who could surely eviscerate them with one paw, but they continue to bark at regardless. 

Being a well-cared-for dog must be a wonderful existence. All your meals are taken care of, you’re provided with toys and walks, and you get to hang out at the house all day, napping and watching television (aka the window to the street). It might get a little boring when you’re left home alone, but the joy of your owner returning at the end of the day must feel like pure ecstasy. Maybe that’ll be me in my next life. While we’re here in human form, though, might as well take a peek at the week’s best dog memes. 

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