35 Darling Dog Memes for Canine Enthusiasts (April 11, 2024)

In the great dog versus cat war, I choose both. Sorry! I think where we went wrong is pitting beautiful animals against one another. Who says they can’t exist in perfect harmony? (Okay, maybe they can’t always do that.) But who made the rule that I have to pick a side and stick to it? True animal lovers know that there is no answer, only love. 

But that said, we’re here to look at dog memes today. Dogs are not only wonderful friends, companions, and family members, but they also make great fodder for memes. Sure, cats kind of ruled the OG internet (see: the creation of this website), but dogs have always been right there alongside them, making dumb, cute faces perfect for reaction images. Why are animals so relatable? Something about the way they wear their emotions on their sleeve, or should I say paw. So sit back, relax, and enjoy some of the best ones from this week. 

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