39 Memes for Individuals Looking for an Ounce of Entertainment

Happy Wednesday meme lovers and web denizens! We’re back again for a midweek treat in the form of a few dozen funny images!

If you’re a half-glass-full kind of person, maybe you love Wednesdays. At that halfway point in the work week, just a few more hours until you’re over halfway to the weekend. Maybe you’re a more pessimistic individual and you’re dissatisfied because you’re ONLY halfway through the week. Personally, I have no opinion on Wednesdays. They are thoroughly average in my book. Luckily, it doesn’t matter if you’re a positive or negative person right now. Any individual of any perspective can take comfort in a good old-fashioned entertaining meme.

So why don’t we cut the distracting discussion and move on to the distraction you came here for? A glorious gallery of humorous internet content! Take a load off, forget about your troubles for just a moment, and view this variety we assembled for you!

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