45+ of the Freshest and Funniest Tweets of the Week (January 20, 2024)

A tweet is like a tiny prayer. We send a small missive into the great beyond, and our greatest wish is that someone hears it, knows what we’re on about, and appreciates it. That’s the best we can hope for. It’s a shame, then, when the vast threads of the website are consumed by petty arguments, infighting, and everyone blowing things out of proportion. Can’t we all just get along and send our stupid little takes into the world? Must everything spark a needless debate? But alas, such is the nature of our current times. We’ve got to get back to the garden. 

These tweets, though, manage to rise above the din of chaos and provide us with a little sweet morsel of words. They provide a small laugh, a delicious insight, and nothing more. Isn’t that a beautifully pure venture? 

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