A Bustling Arrangement of Different Memes

It’s kind of ironic how so many of us complain about how overwhelmingly busy our lives are, and then try to unwind by turning to the business and chaos of our screens. The world of memes is a total jungle, one where we don’t always know what we’re going to be presented with next. If we don’t play our cards right, it has the potential to really stress us out, instead of bringing the desired relaxing effect. 

The best remedy to this is to try and appreciate everything that’s out there in small, measured doses. That’s often easier said than done, so Memebase is here to streamline the process. You could have your fix just with this singular list, then stop browsing altogether. I mean, it almost never works like that, but you could still tell yourself that’s what is going to happen. There are so many other things to attend to.

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