36 Memes That Take Pleasure in the Little Things

Everyone who experiences this life is faced with the dilemma of treading a very fine line. On the one hand, they don’t want to sweat the small stuff. On the other, what really makes this whole being alive business worth it is showing an appropriate level of appreciation for things we may otherwise consider inconsequential or forgettable. 

It almost goes without saying that memes are great at this. They appreciate the countless idiosyncrasies and absurdities out there in a way that even the biggest miser can crack a smile at. The truth is, for all we remember the big events we experience better than some random Thursday, both of these matter in maintaining our overall happiness. It’s yet another reason to ignore any guilt when you settle down for a hearty meme-scrolling session. We’ve got to fill the time somehow, and we may as well do that with pastimes that we enjoy.

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