A Drizzle of Memes for Your Weekend Sundae

Choosing a meme can be like choosing toppings at a build-your-own frozen yogurt place. There are so many good ones to choose from, it can be hard to narrow it down. And you have to decide your flavor profile: chocolate, fruit, or some messed-up combination of both? I always end up leaning in one direction and then swerving at the last minute, so it ends up being chocolate cake batter with mango popping boba, and I’ve made a fool of myself. I then bring it to the register to face my monstrosity in front of the innocent yogurt purveyor, and fork over an ungodly amount for my heavy creation.

Have I gotten away from the meme metaphor? No. Sometimes you start making a meme list with a certain random flavor, then you pivot midway through and it becomes a list about cats. And you know what? It’s all delicious to me. 

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