A Fun Collection of Random Memes & Internet Gems

Panic sets in as the dejected pleb watches her bus zooms by. Of course the notoriously late bus picked the day of her important job interview to be three minutes ahead of schedule. She yells and begs the driver to stop as she makes a run for it, arms waving wildly in the air, cold brew sloshing around in her hand. The bus speeds up and she sulks for a moment before considering her options. She can either order a car for $57 or wait twenty minutes for the next bus and pray that the company doesn’t reject her outright for being late to the interview. Remembering that all her pending auto-payments just cleared at the same time and put her bank balance at a negative amount, she decides on the latter.

An excruciating minute goes by and she’s desperate for something to distract her from the self-deprecating thoughts of inevitable failure and rejection. Luckily, the group chat is on fire, dropping dank memes left and right. Soon enough, the worries start to drift away like she’s awakened from a bad dream. She laughs out loud as she scrolls in delight and the sight of such merriment catches the eye of a curious passerby. The onlooker rolls down his window and asks what she’s guffawing about. ‘Memes!’ she replies between chuckles. Deeply inspired by such pure joy, the driver offers her a ride to her destination. Overcome with relief, she accepts. She arrives to the interview early and the prospective employer is so impressed by her positivity that they hire her on the spot. She gives a sly wink to her phone and whispers ‘thank you, memes.’

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