A Journey Down the Road of Memes

Every time we log on, we go on a journey of some kind. Most of the time, it’s just a boring scroll through the same three apps then locking our phone until we go back to it five minutes later. Fairly often, we’ll get to go on some kind of semi-interesting detour when we open one of these apps. Very occasionally, we’ll hit the jackpot of distraction. For many of us, it’s the last option we’re hoping for everyday, although it doesn’t always pan out that way. Still, memes are the best chance we’ve got of reaching that questionable nirvana. They know that all we want is to not think for a little while, and they offer the perfect solution when they’re done right. We don’t need to go outside, walk around and touch grass when we have all of this right in front of us. Get that thumb ready.

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