A Melody of Memes That Strike a Major Chord of Laughter

Last week I met with my boss for the first time. Since we live in different states, we almost never get to meet face-to-face. But last week he came to our office and we got to have a real-life meeting for the first time. Since we work in media we started talking about our favorite form of media, and I wanted to pose the same question here. What do you do at the end of the day when you are trying to relax? Are you a TV show type of person? Or maybe movies? Some just scroll endlessly through social media before bed, and some even get away from their screens and read a book. Personally, I always say I read a book before bed, and that is also what I said to my boss, but in reality, I usually just scroll through social media for a couple of hours.

I think it is safe to assume that no matter what media outlet you enjoy the most, memes will always be a part of it. So I invite you to scroll down to enjoy a series of hysterical random memes. When you finish with these, click here for an iconic comedic collection of Tumblr memes.

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