A Rapid Fire of Different Memes

We live in the information age, or so certain experts like to tell us. What they don’t always elaborate on is how much of this information is functionally useless. We could be out there using our precious spare time to perfect a craft or spend time with friends. Yet here we find ourselves, switching between a casual 3am meme browse and the Wikipedia page for saran wrap. 

Memes are the perfect example of how too much information can produce the dumbest results. Some memes might be clever, but the majority of them are matter for the internet landfill. That doesn’t matter, because we love trash here! It’s more fun than it has any right to be, and it’s a great distraction as well. So here we are, adding to the overwhelming amount of detritus out there. If you happen to appreciate it even just a little, then we’ll have done something right.

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