A Ray of Sunshine in the Form of Memes to Start the Week With a Warm Welcome

After three weeks of non-stop rain (at least where I live), the sun has finally come out, and it is glorious. Usually, this time of year is actually my favorite, but I have learned that it really depends on where I live. Up until 6 months ago, I lived in a city that had really warm weather. It never snowed during the winter, and you could do pretty much anything even in the middle of January, it was great. Now, I live in a place that is constantly freezing. If it’s not raining, it’s snowing, and I hate it. I can’t stand being cold and I miss being able to feel my toes.

The sun showing up is definitely cheering me up a bit, which always inspires me to go through hilarious memes and share them. Scroll down to enjoy this collection of random memes. When you finish with those and are in the mood for some funny stories, click here for a story of a woman who made her friends choose between the Super Bowl and her baby shower. 

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