A Screwy Set Of Entertaining Memes

For all our intentions that are good, bad, or somewhere in between, there’s no getting away from the fact that sometimes we need to switch our minds to their own personal version of airplane mode. Deep and spiritual reasons aside, it’s basically the reason that meditation was invented. 

When we’ve got the whole of the internet at our fingertips, though, we’ve got better options out there. Nobody needs internal peace when there’s so many dumb things out there to entertain us and/or get mad at. Every day, dedicated people go out there and spread memes, and they aren’t going to laugh at themselves.

This is why it’s the duty of all of us to consume as many of these things as possible. Just because it’s pointless to us, doesn’t mean it is to everybody. Even if every second spent looking at memes is a second further away from Nirvana, at least we have fun doing it.


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