A Sight Of Memes And Things For Sore Eyes

Tradition states that Sunday is a day of rest, but rest means different things to different people. Some can think of nothing better than lying catatonic in bed for most of these 24 hours, getting up only for toilet breaks and to retrieve food. Others are the virtuous light hike and meditation session type. Oftentimes, though, it can be a day where we don’t get to rest at all, with a list of chores to attend to, or even our jobs to do (yes, I am writing this on a Sunday). 

When you’re having a weekend day that just seems to be non-stop, it makes it even more important to savor those small moments of relaxation and enjoyment. What with this being the entire point of a great number of memes, it makes sense that they are going to be part of the game plan. Even if you don’t have time to get in some actual R&R, at least you can give yourself a tiny boost of dopamine.

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