A Supergroup of boygenius Memes for Fun-Sad Girls Who are Always an Angel, Never a God

If you have clicked onto this page, then welcome fellow sad girls. Whether you’re upfront with your sad girl tendencies or you keep them to yourself when you have the apartment to yourself, we understand you. We ARE you. We are all for a good time, but most of the time we just want to get made even sadder while we listen to the sad music we like. It’s hard to explain, but it’s so satisfying. I mean, if you clicked on a boygenius meme list, then you get it. We don’t have to explain ourselves. Let’s just get together and try to figure out what our hearts continuously yearn for as we listen to the hypnotizing harmonies in the one album by boygenius plays and we scroll through these memes. Maybe we touch hands, then we stare into each other’s eyes, I brush you hair behind your ear, you bite your bottom lip, and then… then… Nothing because we’re too nervous. Anyways, got carried away there—hope you like the boygenius memes I found below! 

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