An Entire ‘Easy-Bake Oven’ Worth of the Best Memes from This Week to Satisfy Millennials’ Nostalgic Funny Bone

Dang, just the mention of an ‘Easy-Bake Oven’ has us craving those «just add water» brownie recipes that would cook under a lightbulb. Like, sure, maybe that toy was perpetuating a gender stereotype especially since the «girl» version was advertised as baking and the «boy» version was them making creepy crawlers… But like, at least the ‘Easy-Bake Oven’ made tasty treats! Those ‘Creepy Crawlers’ maker was just an ‘Easy-Bake Oven’ that made sticky toy bugs… God, even us millennial’s in our 30s are still fighting the «girls rule, boys drool» nonsensical fight. Let’s get back on track here. We are millennials in need of some throwbacks, how about you? We want to have a good laugh while also remembering the good ‘ole days when we were young. It’s not just that we loved our ‘Easy-Bake Oven,’ we also just loved that time. We were able to keep our Neopets and Tamagotchi alive, how about you? Either way, get satisfyingly nostalgic with the millennial memes below.

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