Annoying Humble Braggers Who Aren’t Fooling Anybody

We all have those times where we have to be our own greatest cheerleader. Nobody will believe in you unless you believe in yourself first, or so they say. Cultivating a healthy sense of self confidence is one of the most important things we can do for ourselves, but there are an unfortunate number of people out there who have a twisted definition of healthiness. 

Bragging is rarely an attractive trait. When somebody goes out of their way to tell you how great they are and/or how great their life is, it’s hard not to suspect that they’re trying to make up for something. More importantly than that, a flagrant braggart is an embarrassing thing to watch. Social media definitely hasn’t helped those who have these tendencies, but it has given the world some outrageous examples to cringe at. No one wants to look at your fancy watch when you’re being that insufferable about it. 

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