Besotted Teen Couple Get Wisdom Teeth Out On Same Day, Their Post Surgery Separation Anxiety Rivals Romeo And Juliet’s Tragedy

There are few things in this world more powerful than young love. There’s nothing like the very first shot from Cupid’s arrow, and now we’ve got confirmation that not even the strongest anaesthetic in the world can dull those star-crossed feelings.

In a video shared recently, @clairarey revealed that she and her boyfriend Max had undergone surgery for wisdom tooth removal on the very same day at different dentists. Family members filmed each of them as they came out of surgery and each immediately demanded to see their significant other. The confusion and hysterics are amped up by the heady cocktail of dental drugs, with each of them expressing a level of torment that even the most jaded among us have to feel a teeny bit of sympathy for. Who knows what kind of scenes there would have been if they had the procedure in the same place.

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