Cat Gets Lasered And Looks Heckin’ Cool In His Goggles, The Internet Shows Off Their Own Cat Aviators In Response (Viral Thread)

As cat owners, we get to see some of the most ridiculous sides of cathood. We get to see our cats being total derps on a daily basis. Whether our cats are sitting there staring at walls for no dang reason, or if our cats come zooming out of our bedroom and sliding into the wall face-first. Our cats are hilarious, and we see them at their worst. But even with that, we never forget – never ever – just how cool our cats can be too. 

For the most part, we look at our cats and think: ‘aww cuuute’, or ‘dang, you’re hissterical’, ‘you’re so silly sometimes, we cannot help but love you more.’ But sometimes, like when our cats go to a vet’s appointment for laser eye surgery and get to wear very cool aviator goggles, we are reminded of just how heckin’ cool they are. 

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