‘You were supposed to meet my family’: Woman Invites Girlfriend Over for Family Cookout, She Never Shows Up

Meeting your partner’s family is usually a big deal, one that many people believe is important when dating someone. Admittedly, I once was the type of person to say or do anything to get out of meeting my partner’s family. Maybe it’s because my ex’s mom hated me and I just automatically assumed that the …
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26 Most Entertaining Dad Jokes to Share at a Family Dinner Table

The dining room is filled with laughter and scrumptious aromas that emerge from the steaming roasted chicken sitting in the middle of the table. The mashed potatoes, fluffy and dotted with chives, sit beside the cooked vegetables. Your wife is sitting beside you, a satisfied smile playing on her lips as she takes a bite …
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27 Classical Art Memes to Spread on Your Toast This Morning

Drip, drop, drip, drop…  The rain pitter-patters against the windows as you sit inside, warm and cozy at your kitchen table with a heater nearby. You thought spring had arrived, but a freak storm just hit. Outside the world is a blur of grey, but inside your little kitchen is a haven of warmth. The …
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38 Memes Fresher Than Your Laundry

It’s a nice, warm Saturday morning and you glance over at the big pile of laundry sitting on ‘that chair’ in your bedroom. It’s so high it seems like a mountain, and that’s how you know, it’s high time to wash your clothes. So you get up lazily, and hobble towards the pile, then put …
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21 Most Entertaining Dad Jokes to Share at a Family Dinner Table

Delicious aromas fill the air as you plop mashed potatoes onto your plate. Tonight is meatloaf night, a family favorite, and it’s perfect timing too, because a whopper of a dad joke has been brewing all day… Your eyes have a mischievous glint in them and you clear your throat, ready to make your family …
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25 Satisfying Facts for Parents to Share With Their Kids at Bedtime

You’re tucking your kids who are yabbering on excitedly into bed, the soft glow of their nightlight casting a warm ambiance across their cozy bedroom. They are super interested in cool facts about geography, animals, and even history. Smart little critters. The walls are adorned with posters of their favorite animals and space-themed decals twinkle …
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37 Memes Fresher Than Your Laundry

Sniff, sniff. Hmmm, I love the smell of fresh laundry.  The hum of the washer and dryer welcome me like an old friend as I step into the laundry room with a basket full of dirty clothes. Sorting through the pile, I separate the whites from the colors because I, dear people, am a grownup. …
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40+ Memes to Help You Through the Ups and Downs of Employment

Beep, beep, beep… That’s your alarm going off. Your hand reaches over groggily, trying to press snooze. Instead, you knock the small lamp off your table, which makes more noise than your alarm clock and boom, you are wide awake, and angry. Why is it that we are so much more irritable when we’re tired? …
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Memes That Repeat Forever And Ever

Did you know that Richard Dawkins created the word «meme?» That famous atheist is not entirely to thank for all of the funny images we proliferate on a daily basis. In fact, his definition is nearly unrecognizable from what I understand a meme to be. According to Wikipedia, this is what a meme is: A …
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20+ People Expose the Cheapest and Riskiest Alcoholic Drinks in Their Country

I’m not a hugeee drinker, but something about this thread is so enticing. Given the 4.5k upvotes on the r/askreddit thread, I’m clearly not the only one who thought so too. So, one user hopped on over to Reddit to start a thread asking, «What’s the most drunk per dollar product available in your country …
Seguir leyendo 20+ People Expose the Cheapest and Riskiest Alcoholic Drinks in Their Country